China’s total value of foreign trade in goods in the first two months of 2021.
Over 500 artifacts were unearthed in the six ancient sacrificial pits newly discovered in Sanxingdui.
Green consumption is becoming a new trend in China as more and more Chinese people.
A few countries in the west have been fabricating lies and spreading rumors about Xinjiang.
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, one of the provincial-regions in China that sees the densest distribution.
The international community pays high attention to China’s new journey of fully building a modern.
There are over 200 million skilled workers on the Chinese mainland by far, among whom.
Statistics from Europe Patent Office (EPO) showed that China had applied 13,432 patents in 2020.
Digitization, artificial intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity will be the key trends in the future development.
China has witnessed continuous expansion of the number of people who have returned or moved.