If you listened to my podcast or have been following my social media accounts this week then you know I’ve been talking a lot this week about the importance and value of investing in yourself. Whether you’re climbing the corporate ladder or are an entrepreneur the more you invest in yourself, your skills, and your knowledge base the more marketable you make yourself.
If you work in corporate America and are working your way up to success then you are already aware that at the very least you need some sort of college degree just to get your foot in the door. If you want to be an executive or lead an organization then you definitely have to invest in a post graduate degree and you have to have years of experience under your belt. No matter which way you look at it, education is the key to that corporate gateway which is why post-secondary education is such big business.
I, for one, have spent tens of thousands of dollars to work at a corporation that neither motivates me or speaks to the things I am most passionate about. To date, I have amassed almost $90,000 dollars in student loan debt to work at a job that is not aligned with my dreams and passions. Yet and still, when I was unclear about my future and the direction I wanted my life to take, I invested in my education. Why? Because even though at the time I did not know what my purpose in life was I knew I wanted a “good” job
Fast forward some years later, I am now in my late 30s and I am very clear about what my future looks like. I am no longer wasting time or money on things that are not directly aligned with my dreams and passions. I live in my purpose every single day and I’m very aware of the things I am investing in. I am very intentional on what I spend my money on and am now investing in workshops, residencies, classes, books, and conferences that will not only increase my knowledge base and improve my skills, but also allow me to network with individuals doing the same things. Putting myself in the same room with those who are doing what I’m doing or are interested in hiring people with my skills and knowledge, is key to growing my business and it should be what you’re doing too.
As you head to the gas.
First time home owners know that.
With tax season upon us, many.
Volkswagen AG (VOWG_p.DE) pleaded guilty on.
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