China has pushed ahead with all-round carbon emission reduction to promote comprehensive green transition of economic and social development, not only carrying out major reforms in key industries, but seeking green-oriented changes to the trivial details of people’s life.
Carbon emission reduction, as many people know, is more often than not considered a task of such industries as energy, transportation, and manufacturing. China, while cutting carbon emissions in these industries with major energy consumers and major carbon emitters, is also paying attention to greening the service sector that is more closely related to people’s everyday life.
A few days ago, a friend of mine who often goes to the theater told me that paperless e-tickets have become more widely seen in recent years.
At first, my friend wasn’t used to e-tickets as he considered elaborately designed and beautifully printed tickets collectable. Later, however, he gradually found e-tickets more convenient.
“Printing paper tickets means energy consumption. So we are actually doing our part for carbon emission reduction,” he said.
Data from a ticketing platform show that it has sold 23 million e-tickets in the past three years, which are equivalent to cutting carbon emissions by about 1,400 tons and electricity consumption by about 1.4 million kWh.
China has seen results in reducing carbon emissions in the service sector, a good example of which is the ecological benefits brought by the 23 million e-tickets.
From a broader perspective, since the service industry concerns numerous consumers, every little change in their consumption link, when accumulated, will have an effect that cannot be ignored.
Besides, promoting the reduction of carbon emissions at small areas of the service sector is less difficult. While the renovation and upgrading of factories requires a lot of manpower, materials and funds, carbon emission reduction in the service sector has lower requirements of equipment upgrading and process reengineering and relies more on companies’ operational concepts.
The efforts to promote carbon emission reduction in the service sector have exerted a strong influence on the Chinese society. As the concept of green development prevails, seeking low-carbon approaches has gradually become a conscious decision of service providers.
At the same time, the little changes in the service sector are changing consumer psychology in China and enabling consumers to foster a better environment for green development together with service providers.
In recent years, China has taken plenty of measures to conserve energy and reduce carbon emissions, including calling on people to set air conditioners at a higher temperature in summer and not to ask for disposable tableware when ordering takeout food online, as well as encouraging the application of e-bills and waste recycling.
It is believed that the country will surely witness more fruits in carbon emission reduction as long as it maintains the current momentum.
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