Chongqing’s Wanzhou district achieves green development through ecology-friendly agriculture

By Wang Binlai, Jiang Yunlong, Chang Biluo, People’s Daily Wanzhou district of southwest China’s Chongqing.

S China’s Hainan dispatches sci-tech experts to countryside to lift agricultural production

By Wang Shuo, People’s Daily Wang Fuyuan, a farmer from Maohui village, Wuzhishan of south.

Yunnan’s NPC delegate takes concrete action to solve people’s problems

By Ye Chuanzeng, People’s Daily Sugarcanes are either eaten or trampled upon. This is a.

China’s civil code people-centric, improves legal system

By Wei Zhezhe, People’s Daily The draft sections of China’s civil code, drawing from past.

China gathers public wisdom in compiling civil code

By Zhang Cong, People’s Daily To compile the civil code is a major legislature task.

Guizhou’s Rongjiang county revives thanks to farmland renovation

By Wan Xiubin, Wang Zhiqiu, Cheng Huan, People’s Daily Guizhou, the only province in China.

Compilation of civil code fills legislative gaps for China

By Xu Jun, People’s Daily “To make a civil code of China’s own is a.

Overseas food operators find new appetite for China

As the coronavirus outbreak ebbs in China, overseas food companies and operators are resuming investment.

European executives charter flights to return to China

Companies from Germany, France and Switzerland plan to charter planes to bring their executives back.

China to hedge against COVID-19 impacts with stronger policies

By Zhou Renjie, People’s Daily The COVID-19 pandemic is currently exerting impacts all over the.